¿Qué es el "agua hidrogenada"? El agua hidrogenada, también conocida como agua enriquecida con hidrógeno molecular, es decir, tiene moléculas de hidrógeno presentes.
En 2007 surgió por primera vez información de que el hidrógeno molecular también podría ser un antioxidante.
Beber agua enriquecida con hidrógeno es una de las formas más efectivas y económicas de suministrar hidrógeno al cuerpo.
The term "hydrogen water" might cause some confusion. Indeed, in a water molecule - H2O - there are already 2 hydrogen atoms, but they are bound within the molecule.
We are talking specifically about hydrogen gas, H2, which is dissolved in water. A solution containing many hydrogen ions H+ is not hydrogen water - these are acids, or for instance, OH- - these are alkalis. We are interested only in the hydrogen gas molecules H2 dissolved in water
Hydrogen gas has been known for a very long time. As far back as the 16th and 17th centuries, Boyle, Paracelsus, and other scientists produced it by reacting acids with metals. However, the therapeutic properties of hydrogen have only recently become known and are still actively being researched.
In 2007, an article was published in one of the world's most authoritative scientific journals, Nature Medicine (No. 13, pp 688-694), titled "Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals." http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v13/n6/full/nm1577.html
The article asserted that hydrogen selectively destroys harmful oxygen radicals. The action of hydrogen had a noticeable therapeutic effect.
Since 2007, scientists have been rigorously researching the effects of hydrogen on organisms. They tried administering a mixture to breathe with hydrogen (up to 4%, as higher concentrations are explosive), drinking water through which hydrogen bubbles were passed (essentially, this is hydrogen water), and applying it to the eyes. They added H2 to saline solution and injected it into the blood. They observed how this would affect the condition of test rats and mice (3/4 of the studies), on which human diseases were simulated. This is referred to as "researching disease models."
By 2023, more than 2000 studies have been published confirming the positive properties of hydrogen on organisms.
- What is the advantage of molecular hydrogen? What effects does it provide?
- Oxidative stress is not always bad. Reactive oxygen species participate in natural physiological processes. For example, they help fight infections, enhancing immune defense. During influenza, macrophages release reactive oxygen species precisely to combat the virus. Therefore, medicine faces a very complex task. On one hand, it's necessary to remove the strongest and most harmful oxidants. On the other hand, it's important to preserve physiologically important ones.
The advantage of molecular hydrogen is that it only interacts with the strongest oxidants, leaving the rest untouched. And here it turns out that molecular hydrogen has a significant advantage as an antioxidant; it only interacts with the strongest oxidants. Those weaker reactive oxygen species continue to perform their physiological function.
We know that the most active natural oxidant is the hydroxyl radical ·OH. In second place is peroxynitrite ONOO¯. The other oxidants are significantly less active. Molecular hydrogen primarily interacts with these two radicals. It helps remove their excess without touching the others. Note this point. Molecular hydrogen has the formula H2. When it interacts with the OH radical, it forms a water molecule. And nothing else. Our bodies already contain 70-80 percent water in all cells. Thus, molecular hydrogen not only captures and neutralizes reactive oxygen species but also forms an absolutely neutral, harmless substance as a result of the reaction. An interesting study was conducted, showing the high bioavailability of molecular hydrogen dissolved in water. The substance was administered in two ways - intravenously and orally, through the stomach. They then recorded how the concentration of hydrogen in the tissues increased. It turned out that both methods give virtually the same result. The molecules easily penetrate the body: through membranes, into the cell, and exert an antioxidant effect.
Molecular hydrogen reduces muscle injuries and the accumulation of lactic acid. Molecular hydrogen shows good results in athletes. It reduces muscle injuries and the accumulation of lactic acid. All this leads to improved performance. Moreover, this substance is not considered doping, and objectively registering its use is very difficult, as it is a natural component of the body.
Hydrogen water prevents brain damage after injury. Recent research has shown that hydrogen water prevents brain damage after injury. This is very important for those involved in contact sports.
By 2023, more than 2000 studies have been published confirming the positive properties of hydrogen on organisms.